A Cut Above the Rest
I am (edited to protect the old and decrepid) years old and often have NO idea what I want. I struggle with what to wear, what to eat, how to divee up my time - just to name a few. Jailyn, on the other hand, always seems to know exactly what she wants.
Must be a trait she's inherited from her father.
I don't know what changed but one day, Jailyn woke up and decided that she no longer liked having long hair. She snapped. And just like that, something that started as a light query turned into relentless whining:
"Pleeeeeaaaasssseee????? Mommy????? Can I please- pretty please - get a haircut??????Pretty, pretty paaalleeezzzeee????"
"Jailyn, if you can give me 3 good reasons why we should cut your hair, then Mommy will take you to the haircut place today. No questions asked."
Without hesitation, my little lady takes her teeny fingers and counts out each reason pragmatically, "It itches my neck, it gets in my food and it bothers me."
Day-yum. Just when I thought I'd get to watch The Hills marathon.


Ok. If that isn't the smile of someone who's capable of talking her mother into things that wasn't originally "in the cards" then I don't know WHAT is.
Must be a trait she's inherited from her father.
I don't know what changed but one day, Jailyn woke up and decided that she no longer liked having long hair. She snapped. And just like that, something that started as a light query turned into relentless whining:
"Pleeeeeaaaasssseee????? Mommy????? Can I please- pretty please - get a haircut??????Pretty, pretty paaalleeezzzeee????"
"Jailyn, if you can give me 3 good reasons why we should cut your hair, then Mommy will take you to the haircut place today. No questions asked."
Without hesitation, my little lady takes her teeny fingers and counts out each reason pragmatically, "It itches my neck, it gets in my food and it bothers me."
Day-yum. Just when I thought I'd get to watch The Hills marathon.
Ok. If that isn't the smile of someone who's capable of talking her mother into things that wasn't originally "in the cards" then I don't know WHAT is.