Afternoon Tea
We were lucky enough to be invited to Mikayla's 5th bday party.
Her parents graciously hosted a tea for her at Olivia's Dollhouse Tea room in Tustin, CA.

It was amazing!
The girls patiently waited by the door until "tea time" came:
But once the doors opened, it was easy to see what the hub-bub was all about:
Over 200 gowns to choose from:
and SHOES! E-gads....LOADS of shoes!
Make-up and accessories galore:
Once gowns were chosen, the girls prepped themselves for a fashion show and practiced
their best princess poses:
While waiting for the "Royal Fashion Show" please observe daddy in the "living room" trying desperately to look manly:
Tea time soon followed. The Queen and her princesses were served with sandwiches, mini pizzas and hotdogs ala twigs:
and a desert platter worthy of royalty:
Happy Birthday, Mikayla.
The girls had a fabulous time!