Jolie Turns Thweeeeeeeee
Dearest Jolie,

You were a blessing from the very beginning. You even managed to burst into our lives in a very unexpected manner. 17 minutes to be exact. And while in labor with you - I remember watching the anesthesiologist walk in - only to walk back out, knowing that by the time he had me hooked up, you'd probably be in college already. I laid there - convinced that it was what death felt like. But the truth is, I really did die that day - and emerged a better person.

You tested my faith and patience:

And rewarded it with means that only YOU possess:

And now... You're THREE. And with every milestone you reach, you never seem to remind me what a sweet, special child you are.

It isn't possible for me to love you more than I do right now.
And on top of everything fabulously you, you've managed to share a bday month - just a day apart - with another important woman in my life:

You see... I was always meant to love you. And thank goodness for that bec. you seem to like me, too.

Now to document this year's festivities at the park to celebrate you and auntie:

Happy Bday to my sweet Jolie Calla Kim. You are a joy and a brilliant light in our family. You've changed all of us...forever!