The Minority Vote - and what this means for my daughter....

Dear George Duh-BULL-yah;

.... Did you know that we can fire you and get rid of any of your marionettes?

Yay-yessssss. We. Can.  We can and we DID.  

On November 4th, 2008 the American public overwhelmingly voted a (very qualified) African-American to be our new President-Elect.  So you can take your war-havin', idiotic speech giving, money wasting, worthless ass and go duck hunting w/ Dick Cheney.  Your 15 mins is finally over.

What does this mean for my daughter?  Well...lots.

Barack Obama has been hired to lead the most powerful country in the world. By earning the job, he has suspended my disbelief and the disbelief of millions of Americans who, even as they were casting their votes for him, never thought that they would ever come to see the day.  His success tells all children of all colors (including my daughter) that "you, too, can be president of the United States."  His election also spoke of the change that we are all capable of making in this country if we just band together.  To realize that educating ourselves is truly the best way to progress as a people.  

While President-Elect Obama was giving his acceptance speech, I found myself glued to the TV- eyes welling with tears; hands clenched tightly over my heart.  And as he began to exit the stage with his family, I looked over at Jailyn and felt genuinely hopeful that her generation would bring us to the next level.

Hope is not a bad thing.


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