Makin' it Jiggle

Cooking and baking has become a new past time for me and the girls. It's an easy way to bond and fill our tummies at the same time.

Homemade gummies, you say?  I think we can handle that!

1st: add 1/3 cup water with 1 packet unflavored gelatin.

Add 1 packet of flavored jello. Mix together then leave undisturbed in a pot for 5 minutes. Take mixture and cook on medium low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Don't forget to tilt your head and smile.

Remove the mixture from heat and pour into a mixing bowl for easy transferring. :) Take a lovely Kimchick of your choice and have her pour in the gooey stuff into a candy mold. (Don't worry about spilling. Nobody's perfect. - as per my Jailyn)

The mixture needs to go into the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Once the mold is firm take 1 tbsp of powdered sugar and dust the top of each mold to ensure that they don't stick together.

....We skipped that part bec. we ate each gummy right after we removed it. Lol.



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