No Pain...ALL Gain

Being pregnant is a beautiful thing - but let's face it: not all pregnant women are beautiful.

We don't all glow. Most of us aren't "all belly." In fact, some of us (read: me @ 9 months- lol) can look down right scary. The truth is, the only thing that's undeniably beautiful about being pregnant is the growing bun in the oven. I've been fortunate enough to have relatively uneventful pregnancies. Therefore, I'm the kind of preggy that walks around sing-songy and lovin' my belly-filled life. After all, I am taking part in something incredibly special: I have been given another opportunity to assist God in a miracle. {insert angelic harp music here}

But this post isn't about that. This post is about me working out again.

It's been a month since my last confession work out.

Yeah, I said it. Bite Sue me.

I've been good though. I picked up my dusty workout dvds and have cycled through a different workout each day for the past week. I'm doing a little cardio, a little preggy yoga & pilates, some light weight training... So far, so good. Besides --- it was quite shocking to find out that 85lbs doesn't actually melt off of your body once your 9lb baby comes out. I just want to be to healthy this time around. I also don't want to be sluggish down the road especially since I'll still have to live in Jailynland AND tend to a newborn baby.

Cross your fingers for me. Please.


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