Inexplicable Tragedy

The country woke up to frantic news about a mass shooting in an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.  There were 26 victims - TWENTY of the fallen were small children with ages ranging from 5 to 10 years-old.  The shooter, Adam Lanza, was also found dead at the scene - by his own hands.  So far it's been reported that Adam's mother is also dead - shot before he arrived at the school. Adam's brother, Ryan, has been detained for questioning and has not been implicated in this heinous crime.  ABC News reports that Ryan Lanza “told authorities that his younger brother is autistic, or has Asperger syndrome and a ‘personality disorder.’ Neighbors have described him as “odd” and said he behaves as if he has an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

And while I, along with the rest of the world, will never know exactly WHY this happened today, I can't help but feel deeply saddened and distrought by everything that is happening. Tragedies abound from every direction - and everywhere... children are dying needlessly. 

Viral videos posted on YouTube - reporting the abuse of Syrian children - victims of bombing and other unimaginable acts that no child should ever have to endure. No one wants to take the blame.

My heart goes out to the victims, the victims' families and those who have - thus far- survived the tragedies in their world. For now that will have to be enough.

When I dropped Jailyn off at school this morning, I gave her a head a toussle, kissed her and told her that I loved her. She smiled knowingly and exited my car. And as she entered the school gates, I lingered and watched as she walked across the playground towards her classroom. She looked back twice and waved at me both times. She knew I was watching. She knows that I love her.

I plan on buying baking supplies and playdoh for our scheduled date night. We will flatten fondant, make a mess and do everything I can to tell them that nothing will ever be more important to me than they are.


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