Convos With Grampa

I can't remember a time when I didn't wish for a closer relationship with my dad. Throughout my entire adolescent and teen life, we bumped heads - never really seeing eye-to-eye on anything.

I know now that it's because we are too much alike. Lol.  I am, after all, my father's daughter.

As I got older, my relationships with both of my parents evolved.  The arguing minimized - only to be replaced with solid time together.  True clarity came once I became a parent myself. (So cliche - yet so true.) When Jonathan and I found out that we were pregnant for the 2nd time, we were elated and couldn't wait to share the news with our families.  We also knew early on that we'd name our new addition in honor of my dad.

On February 11, 2010, Jolie Calla Kim joined our family. She was perfect ray of light and instantly brought warmth into all of our lives. Little did we know that she and my dad would develop such an inexplicable bond. God blessed me with the opportunity to finally experience the connection I yearned for with my father through someone I love more than myself.

After finding out about my dad's declining health, I felt compelled to capture special moments that he shared with both of my kids - especially Jolie.   I secretly began to record their telephone conversations on my cellphone.  Each "convo" had a life of its own. Random, funny, intuitive and always full of love. 

It brings me comfort to know that Jolie will always be able to hear the lilt in his voice, and the joy she's brought into his life (and mine) forever. 


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